By making a payment below you are paying for one post, which will be posted on our Website and Social Media Platforms and get promoted on our networks all linked together
Join Network
Join $0.00
Music Uploads $0.00
Promoted on Networks
SignTheArtist - www.signtheartist.com
Artist Boost - www.artistboost.com
SignTheArtist TV - www.signtheartist.tv Entertainment page
Music and Entertainment - Musicandentertainment.net
Hoodstarhiphop - www.hoodstarhiphop.com
Female Rappers - www.blackfemalerappers.com
Blog Writers Hiphop Blog
Hiphopsgossip - www.hiphopsgossip.com
$1000 for a blog article
Dancers Websites
Record Labels
Mixtape websites
SignTheArtist - www.signtheartistcom
Mixtape Doctor - www.mixtapedoctor.com
Mixtape Distribution - www.mixtapedistribution.com
Comedy - www.hoodjokes.com
Shoutout: $100 Story added to IG
IG Post: $140.00 IG Promo + Website
Takeover: $199.00 Shout Out + IG + Website
Blast it: $500.00 Shout Out + IG Post + Website + Blast (Most Exposure)
Go Viral: $1000 Music is promoted to Over 1 million people (All other promotions are paused or stopped until the limit is reached) Promo can take up to 6 months.
YouTube Promo: $250.00 (Website Top Spot) (30 Days Youtube campaign) Top Spot on Website
SoundCloud: $99.00 to be added Website Promotion + app
Apple Music : Promo $100.00 Website Promotion + app
Spotify Promo's: Promo $100.00 Website Promotion + app
Mixtape Submission: $99.00 Website Promotion + app
6 Month Agreement: $250 All promos and music releases are include. Our A&R team will work on getting you signed. If signed all we asked for is 20% of the record deal.
Music Contract
If you are about to sign a music contract, you should consider hiring a music lawyer. We can assign a Certified attorney to you to make sure that you are getting into the right contract. Do not sign a contract without getting legal advice.
CashApp: $SignTheArtist
Note: Email or DM with the confirmation a screenshot along with the following information below
PayPal below
After payment is made screenshot the receipt then DM or email the confirmation to signtheartist@gmail.com for processing along with the following information below.
To make a payment with a credit card click here
Video Title: Artist Name – “Song Title”
Video Link: https://youtu.be/Abc_12345xyz
Video Description: MikeJones - Back then Edited by ???
Instagram Account – @test1234rap
The Promo will begin in 30 mins to 1 hour all posted in the same day.